Sergio Aguirrre

Website Design

Front End Developer

Memorable Interconnected Experiences

JQuery Aframe

5 years experience

Passionate Front-End Developer with a dedicated focus on designing and crafting visually captivating, responsive websites. With over 5 years of experience, I specialize in tailoring websites to clients' unique needs and preferences, while also adeptly utilizing website builders when required. Proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap, I am committed to delivering seamless user experiences. My proven track record showcases a history of providing high-quality design and code for various enterprise web applications. My expertise extends to creating immersive WebXR experiences through Aframe.

Additionally, I possess strong knowledge of WordPress and WooCommerce. I thrive on staying at the forefront of technology trends, maintaining a proactive approach to learning. At present, I am delving into the realm of latent diffusion models (LDM) to further push the boundaries of innovation in web development.


Design - Development - VR